Sunday, December 09, 2007

London 07

This is sort of my first holiday in a while...
So good just walking around aimlessly and catching up with old friends... and new-old friends.

Too bad Jun's working and Lawrence & Pete are at school... Anyway, I did manage to roam the streets of London... Covent Gardens, Picadilly, Leicester Sq, and even all the way to the London Eye (thanks to Pete who gave me absolutely wrong directions)... without getting robbed or mugged - everyone tells me how scary that is.

Sights of London...

And more...

Stayed with Jun and Joon Jae... THANKS JUN!!! (if you're reading this!). Pigged out at some Japanese Restaurant, and had this yummy desert platter at Haagen Dazs

Caught up with Pete and Lawrence over the next few days too! - we had chinese because of some cheena peh who had to have chinese....

4 Seasons - the Duck was as good as the one in Melbourne, but different.

And again.. we had Yum Cha / Dim Sum (chinese again!)


And yes we all got dragged to watch Arsenel - Aston Villa at the pub

Food... I always take pictures of food

Totts Spurs - Birmingham game


jun said...

Oh!! Come back some time soon... not when I'm away in SG!!

JT said...

I can't!!! my conference is from the 19th to 23rd... and the weekend after (24th to 27th) is when i'll be returning.... and transit via london!